
Under 18 Snowsport Registration Form

Use this form if:

1. You want to register an under 18 year old for recreational skiing and snowboarding.

2. You are over 18 years old.

3. They meet the minimum competence level below:

- Able to use the ski lifts safely and independently
- Able to descend the slope in control; as a minimum either using a snowplough when skiing or snowboard side slip.

DO NOT complete this form if they:

- Are a novice skier/snowboarder i.e. first time skiing or snowboarding.
- Do not meet the required level of competence detailed above.
- Require instruction to meet the required level of competence. Teaching by others / peers is not permitted. 

If they do not have the skills to use the slope, please follow this link to find out information about lessons on our website.


Children aged under 16 must be supervised at all times. Children aged 16 - 17 may use the slope without a parent/guardian present, provided this registration is completed by a parent/guardian. 

Are you taking part?

If you are also participating in recreational sessions you will need to complete a seperate adult registration form here.

Snowsport - Participation Statement and Acknowledgement of Risk

All snowsport activities are activities with a risk of serious injury or death. Participants must be aware of and accept that even if they follow good practice there may still be the risk of accident and injury. It is your reponsibility to adhere to the conditions of use.  

It is important that you understand this document. There is inherent risk involved with snowsports and associated activities. By signing this form, you are stating you understand that these risks cannot be completely removed. If you do not understand any of the terminology or content, ask a member of staff to clarify.

Snowsport Slope - Conditions of Use

Our Duty Of Care

The rules of the slope are not intended to limit your enjoyment of the facilities. They are part of the duty of care that we, as operators owe to you the customer by law. As such they are not negotiable and if you are not prepared to abide by them Calshot Activities Centre reserve the right to refuse entry and to stop individuals using the slope if their behaviour or practise is considered unsafe to themselves or others. Calshot accept no responsibility for damage to personal equipment used on our slopes.

Your Duty Of Care

You have a duty of care to act responsibly towards the other users of the centre, follow good practice and abide by the conditions of use of the centre. Statements of ‘Good Practice’ are posted around the centre adjacent to the relevant facilities. 

Use of Helmets and Other Protective Equipment

Helmets are compulsory for under 18 year olds.

Helmets are recommended for adults. 

Helmets are compulsory for all slope users on freestyle evenings.

Wrist guards are compulsory for snowboarders under 18, and recommended for adults. 

Other protective equipment is recommended for freestyle sessions. 

General Safety

Calshot Activities Centre cannot be held responsible for individuals own actions which result in them taking unnecessary risks beyond their capabilities. Although Calshot slope is an artificial environment the risks involved are no less serious than when skiing or snowboarding outside.

Skiing or Snowboarding beyond your capabilities on the slope is likely to result in a fall; any fall may result in an injury. You must make your own assessment of the risks whenever you ski or snowboard.

Recreational sessions are not for novice or beginner ski and snowboarders. It is expected that you meet the minimum competence listed above. You must be able to descend the slope in control.  Teaching by others / peers is not permitted. 

Gloves and trousers must be worn. Long sleeves are recommended. 

Users under 18 years require registration and parental consent which must be completed.

All under 16 year olds in the centre must be supervised by an adult. 

You must ski to the bottom of the slope before joining a lift queue, please do not cut by a lift box.  


Helmets are compulsory for all slope users on freestyle evenings.

Freestyle is only available on dedicated sessions.

The use and set up of ramps and rails must be checked by the slope supervisor.

No inverted manouvers are to be completed. 


Of participant



You can add multiple children using this form, press add.

Participant Questions

Either a controlled snowplough or controlled snowboard sideslip
Young skiers sitting/leaning on a parent or being dragged up the rope tow is not allowed.

Parent/Guardian Declaration

Sign here to continue:

Privacy Notice 

The personal data you provide on this form will be treated in accordance with UK Data Protection Legislation.

Your data will be used in connection with your visit to Hampshire Outdoor Centres to ensure the safety of those attending and for the investigation and reporting of incidents. It will not be shared with third parties except medical professionals in the event of a need for treatment. Your data will be retained for a period of three months plus current unless the participant sustains and reports an injury during the course of the activity, whereby the information will be retained for three years plus current. The legal basis for our use of this information is Performance of a Public Interest task.You have some legal rights in respect of the personal information we collect from you. Please see our website Data Protection page for further details: www.hants.gov.uk/dataprotection

You can contact the County Council’s Data Protection Officer at data.protection@hants.gov.uk If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, you should raise your concern with us in the first instance or directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office at https://ico.org.uk/concerns/